Politics of Endorsement versus Politics of Enslavement

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Two things are involved! One thing is the endorsement and the other thing is the enslavement. The system is for a slave-dealer to deploy all means to permeate the very fabric and fibre of the socio-economic lives of the people they are purposed to take captive. Historically, European slave dealers entice their prospective slave via their local chiefs with such exquisite instruments as mirror and shot barrel gun and some boxes of gunpowder. Some add wrapper cloth to help the chiefs escape traditional near nudity and ascend to a status that distance them from the locals many of whom he soon hands over to the foreign slave dealer after endorsing him.

That system has since gone moribund with the official end of slave trade in 1870. But at the turn of the 20th Century, Africans and Nigerians began to literally beg Europeans and Americans to take them in as disguised slaves or rather captives or better still immigrants. Our people lost sleep and money struggling to acquire visas to Europe and America. Yet, that is history. However, only recently it was proved that slave trade was booming in Libya with Africans begging slave dealers to buy them instead of them returning to Africa. It is still fresh in the news.

The trouble now is that in Imo State the governor, Owelle Rochas Okorocha who will be serving out his second term of eight years in May 2019 has come out to publically declare that his son-in-law, Uche Nwosu will succeed by all means in 2019. This has caused no small brouhaha in the adequately heated up and charged state. No thanks to Governor Okorocha who has been orchestrating the game plan of his self-succession by proxy. It now confirmed that he deliberately set his son-in-law ready to succeed him, when as mere Chief of Staff to him, Uche Nwosu became a mega philanthropist, doling out billions to all sorts of groups.

Instructively, with each display of philanthropic gesture the people are got to “endorse” him for governor in 2019. As it is now, it appears the 45 year old polygamous youth has begun a second round of search for endorsement, going round the same places he had gone to in previous time and meeting the same people he had met previously. And as he storms in and out those places, he secures second round of endorsement. I call it re-endorsement. Definitely, there is endorsement in the political atmosphere Governor Okorocha, his son-in-law, Uche Nwosu and all his cronies under the aegis of “Ndi Agburu”. Ironically, many hear of endless endorsement by often faceless people of Uche Nwosu, but few like yours sincerely see the enslavement tied to such endorsements.

However, Imo people have express awareness about the danger in the overkill by Governor Okorocha and his son-in-law in choking them with demands for endorsement. It has reached such an extent that out of the 27 members some 20 dishonourable ones conspired against Imo people and endorsed Uche Nwosu as the successor to the incumbent governor despite their very close family tie. To that extent Imo people must hold their lawmakers also responsible for their enslavement should the plan by Governor Okorocha to succeed himself through his son-in-law fall through and he becomes governor.

To the extent I have researched it, Imo people have other alternatives to Governor Rochas Okorocha and his family members that have nearly almost absolutely colonized and privatized Imo State, enticing her impoverished indigenes with rotten carrots that befit only helpless captives and slaves. For example, how many people ask why Rt. Hon. Emeka Ihedioha is not going all over Imo State coercing people to endorse him for governor come 2019? How many Imo polite notice that desperation is not in the impeccable character of Chief Emeka Ihedioha? How many Imo people believe the style of Governor Okorocha and his son-in-law buying spurious forced endorsement here and there is better than Rt. Hon. Emeka Ihedioha gently, decently and patiently persuading the people of Imo State to reason with him and his enviable manisfesto for the restoration of the state damaged badly by the so-called rescue mission government of Governor Rochas Okorocha?

Truth is that while so many people love and crave for power, only few are born to rule; not the terrorist kind of born to rule o. Those ones are actually born to ruin. But as our people say, an egg that will hatch a cock is known by it s size. Also, our people say, it is with mere look that an experienced farmer identifies a ripe corn without peering into it. It is apparent that every well-meaning and right-thinking person in Imo State today knows that Rt. Hon. Emeka Ihedioha is very ripe to be next Imo governor. His refined gentle nature, his intellectual brilliance and intelligence, his deep concern and care for humanity, his humility, his loyalty, his integrity, his transparency, his accountability and his will to lead by serving plus very many other positive leadership attributes; all add up to speak for him as a governor that will restore the lost glory of Imo State come 2019.

Rt. Hon. Emeka Ihedioha does not require turning into a nuisance in the lives of people to get their endorsement. He receives silent mega endorsement as it should be. All the great achievements he made during his 23 years of cognate service at the Presidency and at the National Assembly during which he empowered documented 1517 women and youths, granted overseas scholarship to 28 Imo students, secured employment for about 1000 Imo people in the federal civil service ministries, departments and agencies, attracted 45 projects to Orlu zone, 33 to Okigwe zone, over 200 to Owerri zone, and brought honour to Imo State as one time Chief Whip, Deputy Speaker and Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. No other Imo leader has achieved that feat. And importantly, none of the aspirants for office of governor in 209 will present such an intimidating curriculum vitae or résumé.

Therefore, when those Agburu dynasty approach you for endorsement shine your sense. You may oblige them for your dear life’s sake but never give them your mandate. The endorsement they get by force has enslavement tied to it. If Imo people want to free Imo and themselves and their childr4en from enslavement, let them beware of Agburu endorsement. Imo must truly be better from 2019 if the Agburu vamvum and bubuyaya are legally retired to Ogboko and Eziama Obaira in 2019.

About Ogu Bundu NWADIKE 25 Articles
On A More Serious Note with Ogu Bundu NWADIKE

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