Governor Rochas may outsmart Imolites.

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Where is wisdom in too many words? The Bible is of the verdict that in the multitude of words, sin is not far. I ask again, where is wisdom in too many words? Too many things have been said in Imo state by Gov. Rochas that we are yet to see their fulfillment. Gov Rochas may outsmart Imolites. Yes, has he not done that already? Chief Okorocha is very intelligent and understands the Nigerian kind of politics very well.

The political environment of Imo state has greatly bewildered lots of reasonable minds in our midst; hence questions without answers kept cropping up every now and then. The sycophant and praise singers are on their own extolling all the activities of the present leader of the state. The voice of critics are deciphering between the seen and the unseen in the said administration. I have continued to criticize certain policies that are incongruous with the 21st century political leadership tenets and principles.

Who shall say of the wind that it has wisdom, when wisdom is absolutely a divine gift for the few and the wind, a divine gift for all? Yet wisdom is far from the heart of him who benefits from the free wind.
In Imo state, our educational system is sick and in total disarray owing to the fact that the leader has lost a good sense of political leadership and direction. He appears to have lost the required principles that if applied could assist the state attend higher success in the educational sector.

Few weeks ago, I did x-ray the unseen hand of the invisible in the city. The paradox of that article is yet to be understood, yet the people of the city do not know that the city being talked about is the city of the people and the people of the city.

Apart from the above, the question that begs for answer from the pulpits of concerned stakeholders, critics, public affairs analysts and the ordinary man on the street is, has the government of Imo state delivered the proper dividends of democracy to the citizens of Imo-populace? Some political stake holders have started changing their dance steps by moving from one political party to another possibly in attempt to cover their sins or better still for pecuniary interest. These people jumping from one political party to another do not stand in a vantage position to call the government of the day to order.
My question at this moment is, is the leader greater than those on whose mandate he rose to power? Those who think that the present administration has done well and thus shower praise should be reminded of the popular Igbo adage which says “ ihe aki ilu na ada n anti abughi ihe o na ato n’onu” which simply means that the sound of bitter kola does not rhyme with its taste. Our leader is too smart ndi Imo shine your eyes.

In fairness to Governor Rochas the construction, rehabilitation, dualization of roads cum other infrastructural amenities being put in place by the rescue mission government of Chief okorocha is a welcome development. Kudos to him! But what about those whose structures were affected in the course of this exercise, was there any compensation given to them like Gov. Ayo Fayose of Ekiti state and Nyesom Wike of rivers state are doing right now? Reliable source showed that Governor Okorocha did not give any sort of compensation to land lords whose structures were affected and who have valid certificate of occupancy. No compensation of the affected landlords which ought to have calmed the nerves of the affected persons by the government. Leadership calls for wisdom.

A great and celebrated leader is he who takes into cognizance the plight of his subjects at all times where crucial issues that borders on them is discussed and fair reaching decisions reached.
A situation where salaries are not paid as and when due is deeply disturbing; yes, even when it is paid 30 to 40 percent is deducted in fact this is evil. Pensioners who gave out their youthful life in the service of their nation are gradually dyeing as a result of utter disregard to their plight by the government of the day; yet the Rescue Mission is active.

Can one say with every amount of sincerity, that the level of infrastructural development being witnessed in Imo state is truly commensurate with the income being accrued to the state government, either as allocation from federal government, internally generated revenue, grants, bail-out funds, derivation funds as member of oil producing states, to mention but just a few? Your guess is as good as mine.

Transparency, probity and accountability remain the pivot on which good governance of every nation is anchored. We expect Gov. Rochas to be fair in the management of public funds that is entrusted upon his care by the good people of Imo state. Thanks to our governor for the floating of Imo-Air but who truly owns it? More-so, did the floating of the airline pass through the normal legislative process of the state assembly? In fact, where is Imo Air now? This reminds me of the popular “OCHIEDIKE” dialysis center and “ROCHE” that took over Adapalm and much more. I am aware that when a particular amount of money is paid to an airline, it can be rebranded for a specific number of months or years depending on the agreement reached between the two parties.

Could this be the fate of Imo –Air? Only time will tell. Our cardinal problem at the moment is not about air travel but impactful projects that can put food on the table of the ordinary man in the street. This is because with the state of things in Imo, it is crystal clear that air-transport can only be afforded only by the few rich in our society. Gov. Rochas should target his investment drive on projects that are people friendly. At the moment, Imo people are hungry, and a hungry man does not fly in the air. Gov. okorocha’s policies have always given us food for thought, and not food on our tables.

One of the most outstanding qualities of a good leader is vision; more so inculcating same into the lives of one’s teeming followers is another task. The understanding of this vision and translating same into tangible realities is the greatest task of a celebrated leader. Core leadership quality is not only in oratory prowess but the ability to translate the power of volubility and eloquence into practical and concrete terms that stand the test of time.

Any leader be it in entrepreneurial, political, religious or academic circle, whose pattern of leadership is not in harmony with the principles obtainable in celebrated climes across the globe which harps more on practice than theory such leader should be advised to return to the class-room and acquire more tutorials on 21st century leadership principles before coming to lead. A good leader must be a good follower. He should also be a good listener, ready at all times to take useful pieces of advice, not an all-knowing pontiff. By so doing he will at the end leave with a standing ovation. Any leader who claims to know it all is doomed to failure and in this failure lies his regrets and woeful defeat. In an attempt to clean the Augean table, he may become a victim of the anti-graft agency (EFCC).

Following the above, if as a result of the one sided fight against corruption he is favoured not to be a victim as witnessed today in the administration of president Muhammadu Buhari, he may thereafter succeed in planting a stooge as a successor, who will then take Imo state one million miles backwards, which will invariably invoke colossal weeping and gnashing of teeth by Imolites.
As it stands now, I can see my governor arranging for his successor with various types of sub standard projects, going in and around the state, all in an attempt to make Imolites believe that he means well for them. Frankly speaking Gov. Rochas is a game master. He understands the language of politics especially in this part of the world. The manipulations, the scheming, the outsmarting, mouth watering promises, are in his finger tips more than any other person in Imo state. In my terms, he is an unmitigated political-maverick, and if Imolites are not careful and ready to take the bull by the horns, he will outsmart them come 2019. Already the game is on.

Some stakeholders are docile, while only the few are speaking out. I am afraid of the blowing wind devoid of wisdom. It may invoke strange harmattan in the rainy season.
In conclusion therefore, the beauty of life is that no one gets out of it alive. And the beauty of democracy is controversy, while the beauty of political controversy is a round table discussion amongst enemies who pretend to be friends. Dear reader, think like a philosopher, behave like a fool while watching the great smarter ahead of 2019.

About Prof. Protus Nathan UZORMA 26 Articles
The Reformer with Prof. Protus Nathan UZORMA

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