Do We Need Gov. Uzodinma Beyond 2023?

Imo guber: Joint parliament endorses Uzodinma for second term

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Recently in Imo state, the issue of charter of equity resonated to the point that some notable Imo elders were accused of being influenced and financially induced to endorse Gov. Hope Uzodinma for second term in office. This allegation and counter allegation has deeply generated conflict and controversies among various leaders of the three geo-political zones. For me if a leader has done well, he deserves to be endorsed as many times as possible; but if a leader has failed his generation in all aspects, he deserves to be neglected and negated to the point that talking about endorsement becomes an abomination.

However, this article is not designed to discuss the issue of endorsement of any guber candidate including that of Gov. Hope. I shall discuss it in detail by next week; though, be informed that my major concern here is to find out if Gov. Uzodinma has followed the known leadership Decalogue that would assist in voting him as Imo state governor for the second time. My answer to this article shall consequently come soon based on reality on ground.

In the words of Walter Lippmann, “The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men the conviction and the will to carry on.” This will to carry on is informed by the ability the leader has to follow because you cannot be a leader, and ask other people to follow you, unless you know how to follow, too. The true philosophy of leadership is anchored on unalloyed action because it is good to think well, but divine to act well.

A good leader is one who can talk out when others are silent, one who can say man when others say money, one who can stay awake when others are asleep, one who walks when others have stop working, one who gives big meaning to the life of others when others give little, one who loves when others hate, one who says everyman when others say one man; this is a leader that can make things happen. Such becomes a hero who in the words of Aristotle, “… is born among a hundred, a wise man is found among a thousand, but an accomplished one might not be found even among a hundred thousand men”. A leader with these propensities becomes an accomplished one.

Some citizens are so good that nothing a leader can do will make them better. Others are so incorrigible that nothing can be done to improve them. But the great bulk of the people go with the moral tide of the moment. A good leader must help create this tide and in creating it however, he must bear in mind that the Decalogue contained in this article are steps ahead of victory.

A leader with fortitude, prudence, justice, love and care usually attracts enemies of same but love makes all perfect. How can anyone be dishonest with a loved one? Impossible! The love that comes from God embraces everyone; even those who are dishonest enjoy same. Only those with love can leap the hurdles of human weaknesses and break the vicious cycle of mutual disharmony.

In the words of Francis De Sales, “The virtue of patience is the one which most assures us of perfection, have patience with all the words but first of all with yourself”. It is very important that we encourage our leaders with patience, as too much of destructive criticism, acrimony, dichotomy, and rancor and over induced political ambition can wreck our noble state. Success is bound to be assured if the right things are done at the right time. I am convinced that any Executive governor can do better if encouraged. In 2019 when Gov. Hope took over from Rt. Hon. Emeka Ihedioha, I published an article titled, “Leadership Decalogue for Gov. Hope Uzodinma.”

This Decalogue is republished here to ascertain his level of compliance so far.

1. The Governor should bring some new youths in focus, he needs to empower some competent and qualified youths into crucial appointive leadership positions. This has great advantages; it would show a new face approach to administrative efficiency and makes room for successorship. This is good as success without successor is a failure, and as John Maxwell said, a “leader is great not because of his or her power but because he/she is able to empower others.”

2. Action orientation is the mark of the superior executive. Senator Uzodinma should undertake most projects which possibility of completion will not exceed two to three years. This is because our people have been accustomed to not only short-term projects but to ad hoc ones. Again, it will permit his administration to award or begin a project that will be thoroughly supervised, executed and fast accomplished. Above all, it will make him a great man of his words, focused and determined.

3. The youths are effective-continuity hope of every human society and their proper education is the singular assurance for a brighter tomorrow. As a matter of urgency and priority, the State leadership should evaluate and take up the problems in the educational sector. The government should appraise or if possible declare a state of emergency on the educational sector. However, I must applaud the effort of the government already in place geared towards consolidating qualitative education.

4. Surely, there are obvious huge distractions. The Governor should treat with ignominy distractive things, schemes and plots; and concentrate in his administration to ensure efficient and maximum delivery. He should avoid projects that are not necessary or be misled to projects which non feasibility would tarnish the image of his administration.

5. As long as what is possible is not done, duty has not been fulfilled. Gov. Hope should endeavour to exhaust all the possibilities in his administration, having routine reviews with his sectoral advisers (agencies, commissions and ministries) and seeing that what is resolved in each sector is implemented urgently.

6. Confidence enables leaders and entrepreneurs to attempt great things, and when great things are attempted, great things are achieved. Senator Hope in this virgin administration and tenure should not exercise any fear of opposition or competition. Nonetheless, this does not call for “arrogance” or “lawlessness”, but with due humility and courage attempt great visions and people-oriented projects.

7. Leadership positions are for service and servant leadership demands creativity, prudence, discipline, self-control, a listening ear and a sensitive heart-reaction. The Governor should thus ensure that his co-leaders in the various offices, ministries, commissions and agencies imbibe these orientation principles in their administration, and give zero tolerance to any form of corruption from his administrators.

8. Senator Hope should be an absolute master of details. A master fails when he is not able to organize things. He has to assure that his orders are followed to details. Detailed attention ensures non-negligence, concentration and proper execution of projects.

9. Obedience to tilting by a leader determines the degree of God’s blessings and favours on his leadership and jurisdiction. Since the Governor has moved on despite all litigations to success, he should give absolute attention to the dynamo that tilts his hot condition to political freedom, from freedom to survival, from survival to stability and from stability to success; so that from success he attends the apex significance.

10. Revenge biblically, is not a divine function of the God who admonished that humans forgive. Chief Uzodinma despite all odds has to forgive his detractors as a good father would and devise a forum to accommodate them. This entails non-vindictiveness, justice and fairness, and the habit of doing more than paid for.

If the above is done in good spirit, Imo will forever be a comfortable place because a good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers.

Close to four years in office; has Gov. Hope Uzodinma been able to abide by these and other related leadership rules?

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About Prof. Protus Nathan UZORMA 26 Articles
The Reformer with Prof. Protus Nathan UZORMA

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